Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Let's Go To The Beach

The weather is nice and among our first thoughts are getting a tan and going to the beach.  But not everyone wants to work on their tan.  To some it is 'time to hit the surf!'  Others grab their volleyball and spare net for some sandy fun.   Many guys are wanting to see the girls and the a lot of the girls are wanting to see guys. And the kids!  Hey, let's not forget the kids!  They want to wade in the water and grab their buckets to play in the sand.
Opps! Wrong beach!!
  Most of us have built a sandcastle before, but the following sand sculptors take this childhood pastime to a whole new level. Maybe you will  be inspired to create one of your own next time you go to the beach.  Just have an imagination then add a little water to simple plain sand and create some really amazing and impressive sand sculptures.  Oh yes, and talent, too!

Here is what others have done:

 The Flintstones
 Mt. Rushmore
 Wizard of Oz
 Sleeping Mermaid
Star Wars
Relaxing Elephant

This is the kind of beach life I had in mind.  Oh, well!

Since my imagination is not very good and neither is my sand sculpturing I think I'll stay home and watch television.  That is, unless I have to mow the lawn!



  1. I can't imagine the level of patience required to create these...and I think these artists have the passion to create something beautiful and yet they dont get attached to their creation....hats off....

    1. It is good they don't become attached for night-vandalism will make such pieces disappear. Some may even disappear with the tide or the next rain storm. These are brave, brave artists. We will never see the likes of these in a museum nor in a private collection.
