Thursday, June 12, 2014

River Fun

Whitewater River Fun

One can waste half a lifetime with people one doesn't really like, or doing things when one would be better off somewhere else.    - Louis L'Amour
There's nothing. . .absolutely nothing. . .half so much worth doing as simply messing around in boats.
- Kenneth Cole
In spite the durability of rock walled canyons and the surging power of cataracting water, the wild river is a fragile thing -- the most fragile portion of the wilderness country.
- Biologist John Craighead


Very simply, whitewater (or white water) is simply frothy, caused by aerated and unstable current, bubbly water that looks white.  There are many forms; whitewater canoeing, whitewater kayaking, and just riding the rapids.  It is this last form we will look at here.


Riding the Rapids

Whitewater rafting is the challenging recreational outdoor activity of using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water.  Why?  Simple, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers.  And get wet... very wet.  Be aware, whitewater rafting can be a dangerous sport, especially if basic safety precautions are not observed. That said, fatalities are rare in both commercial and private rafting.

There are six classes, or grades, of rapids, starting with Class 1 - Very small rough areas, requiring no maneuvering - to Class 6,  rapids that are not passable and any attempt to do so would result in serious injury - i.e. NOT FUN!


Before we go any further lets give a tribute to the Hollywood movie The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug and its' riding the rapids in a barrel scene.  Makes you want to run out and try it, doesn't it.  Here?  Watchers, not doers.

There are just too many place to try and describe each of them here.  Instead we will try to recommend a few and even include clickable experiences.
  First, according to  the National Geographic book Journeys of a Lifetime here is a list of the top 10 rivers to raft, with some [links] if you want the experience:
  1. Alsek and Tatshenshini Rivers, Alaska/Canada - Glaciers and icebergs are among the attractions on these two rivers
  2. Magpie River, Canada - A float plane takes you to Magpie Lake, the start of this eight-day trip
  3. Middle Fork, Salmon River, Idaho - Rapids up to Class IV and glorious alpine and forest scenery [ Middle Fork Salmon River Rafting  ]
  4. Río Upano, Ecuador - The highlight is the Namangosa Gorge, with Class IV rapids
  5. Futaleufú River, Chile - Stretches are suitable for beginners, but there are also some Class V rapids [Rafting Futaleufu River - Río Futaleufú  ]
  6. North Johnstone River, Australia - The start of the course is accessible only by air
  7. Sun Kosi River, Nepal - Class V rapids abound as it thunders through narrow gorges and forested canyons [Sun Kosi Whitewater river expedition ]
  8. Çoruh River, Turkey - The Çoruh is one of the world’s fastest-flowing rivers
  9. Noce River, Italy - It offers some of the most exciting whitewater rafting in Europe [Rafting in the Dolomites ]
  10. Zambezi River, Zimbabwe/Zambia - The Batoka Gorge, below the Victoria Falls, gives Africa’s most thrilling whitewater experience [ White Water Rafting Victoria Falls  ]

Here are some USA experiences:
  1. Yellowstone River in Montana 
  2. Wenatchee River Class VI Rafting down Tumwater Canyon
  3. Colorado River/ Class III-IV Shoshone Rapids  
  4. Colorado Whitewater Rafting on the Arkansas River
  5. Cataract Canyon Whitewater Rafting
  6. Rafting on the Toccoa/Ocoee River
  7. Rafting in New River's West Virginia Rapids
  8. Snake River Whitewater Rafting 
  9. Nantahala River Whitewater Rafting
  10. West Virginia's Upper Gauley River's Class VI
For those interested in the kayaking experience try:
Or maybe just lazy river tubing is more your thing... mine, too.  Here are two:
Whatever you do, HAVE FUN!!

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